A reflection on gender equality and what you can do to contribute to change and a sustainable future
How boundaries can preserve your sense of security and happiness in separation
How separated individuals will adjust seamlessly into quarantine and restrictions
Three ways for your settlement and selling your home during Coronavirus
Tips for mentally managing your time while in quarantine or isolation
Suggestions for the way that you think when you are stuck at home with your children
In some instances, sharing personal details at work may be to your benefit or deteriment ....
What you need to share with your place of employment upon break-up ....
What you need to share with your place of employment upon break-up ....
Understanding the upward trend in marking a new life chapter ....
Three signs to look for before involving your partner in Father's Day celebrations Knowing when to recognise your partner on Father’s Day for your child can be tricky. The solution to this isn’t always clear cut....
There has been a long-standing Australian debate surrounding the use of recorded phone calls or video recordings as evidence in Family Court and local Court proceedings... To record or not to record sparks very different perspectives depending ...
Moving at any time in your life can be stressful. “Adding children and separation to the move, the process can become more overwhelming,” ...
If you could have some guidance around a better process to introducing your new partner to your child would you accept the direction? Read on if ...
New love is exciting. So exciting that you want to share it with everyone! However, is it really the right decision to introduce ...
New love is exciting. So exciting that you want to share it with everyone! However, is it really the right decision to introduce ...
Every person’s separation journey is unique to them. Everyone takes a different amount of time to grieve the loss of their relationship and the future that will no longer be as they envisaged. Recovering ...
Every person’s separation journey is unique to them. Everyone takes a different amount of time to grieve the loss of their relationship and the future that will no longer be as they envisaged. Recovering ...
Debt. No one likes having it. Debt doesn’t disappear. Owing someone or an organisation money can weigh heavily upon you and your budget ...
Mamma, Happy Mother’s Day. This year, I thought I would share some timely affirmations with you to remind you how wonderful you are, single mum on Mother’s Day....
Marriage requires work and lots of it. Even the best of marriages that look good and happy experience times of challenge and difficulty. A great marriage or relationship requires continuous and conscious effort. Sometimes ...
Throughout the divorce process, it is likely that you will meet someone rather special. You may have been looking for someone or that special someone may have caught your attention by surprise. Very often ...
Not every divorce is the same. No two divorces will have the same elements or have the same outcome. However, there are some fundamentals that all divorces ...
Let's celebrate how perfectly imperfect we are, how we can move past our need to be perfect by embracing our limitations and teach our children that it is ok not to be perfect ...
When a relationship ends, it can be devastating and a time of uncertainty. This is further challenging if your family don’t understand what you are going through and either ...
In conversation with Family Lawyer, Ms Turner, talks about the importance of taking care of your mental health when going through separation or divorce. She shares her top five tips ...
When a relationship or marriage ends, people more often struggle with their identity. For many years or decades, you were comfortable as being referred to or known as someone’s wife/husband, someone’s son/daughter or someone’s mother/father. This changes in ...
Australian statistics show that the vast majority of children live in the primary care of their mother. As a mother navigating separation, financial restraints may …
Sometimes, I write and speak about the power of visualisation. Visualisation is seeing the future, how it plays out and what the end result is with the expectation of manifestation. I stress how....
Some children live with their father, other children only get to spend time with them. With a generalised view, many fathers become the spend-time with parent (or non primary parent). The changes …
No one starts a relationship or marriage with the expectation of ending in divorce. Sometimes we can’t help the path that our marriage takes and can only ...
Breaking up is a hard time for all people involved, especially when it comes as a surprise, after a long marriage or when children are involved. Your emotions can become overwhelming and, at times, crippling. You might not feel like …
Valentine’s Day can be a time of great elation, joy and excitement, especially when you have someone to share it with. For others, Valentine’s Day is a reminder that …
All too often, following separation, we often feel a little less confident in ourselves. We have been identified for a long time as the partner to someone else and been able to rely upon them or ...
It is the second day of 2018. Have you fulfilled and whole-heartedly committed to your resolution for the past 2 days? Many people may be muttering ...
When divorcing, there is a lot to do, prepare and coordinate. It is not just physically taxing but also emotionally intensive and this incites positive and negative feelings. Coupling a separation or divorce with Christmas can be an overwhelming feat to undertake ...
The are many things that can contribute towards the break-down of a marriage or serious relationship. Here are just a few pressure points that can strain a marriage ...
For many individuals, separation means that they need to seek employment and be financially independent. This can be scary if you haven’t worked in a number of years (or ...
There are more people than ever before using the Family Courts. The vast majority of the separating population are not able to afford unlimited legal representation. Equally, more and more people are self-representing and, understandably, they...
As urban and metro areas become more densely populated, housing and blocks of land become smaller. More people are being forced to share a smaller space. For many people ...
Let’s cover a morbid topic and clarify what happens to your assets when you die. Divorce Answered shares insights into your marital status, your Last Will and associated implications of...
You don’t need to open your wallet and buy something to sow someone that you love them. There are ways that you can show affection without buying a gift or flowers. Divorce Answered offers 10 suggestions for ...
As urban and metro areas become more densely populated, housing and blocks of land become smaller. More people are being forced to share a smaller space. For many people ...
As urban and metro areas become more densely populated, housing and blocks of land become smaller. More people are being forced to share a smaller space. For many people ...
When I separated in 2012, I knew that I did everything I could to try to get my husband help. The challenge with mental health is that it isn’t a tangible issue and there are ebbs and flows. More pitfalls...
Separation ultimately and periodically takes a toll on individuals. There will be moments of stress, anxiety, helplessness and frustration which can leave you feeling depressed or with depression. When these feelings arise, ...
(blog) I am clearly a challenging and particular person. I like things tidy and neat (where possible) and even behind the closed doors and inside cupboards. In an ideal world, I think men, women and their partners ...
(Personal perspective) In 2012 my marriage was irreparable. Within days of my separation, I had two other girlfriends also separate. Incidentally, I have met and supported many women throughout their separations and ...
Making the decision to end a marriage is a very big decision. Many people took vows to live together through poverty and poor health for the rest of their lives. Leaving the marriage leaves them feeling ...
Today, more than any previous generation, grandparents are playing a more active role in the lives of their grandchildren. This post is dedicated to Nanna. Nanna is concerned for other grandparents who aren’t able to facilitate a loving relationship with their grandchildren of divorce ...
Often people leave their marriage feeling broken, bruised and bashed-about. They struggle with confidence as a parent, partner and as a person. Often, they have lost their self-value. Somehow and in some way, they need to find...
R U Ok? Day is today, September 14, 2017, which means that more than ever before, we need to check in with our friends, family, neighbours and particularly the growing number of divorcees. This year, you are asked you to please pay particular attention to your friends starting or in the thick of their divorce...
While divorce is devastating, it can be equally as liberating. Whether you made the decision or the decision to end the union was made for you, it is still a huge change. For many people, they...
What marriage is and what it looks like is ever changing. The traditional 1950s stay at home mother with working husband is antiquated. Today, there are traditional, blended and single-parent families, de facto...
Many fathers wish that they could have more time each day, week or month with their children and this is often highlighted on Father’s Day. According to the ABS, almost one in 5 families are...
Not every child is fortunate to have their dad active and involved in their daily lives. There are many who have limited to no contact. The reasons for...
As special occasions arise throughout the year, many divorced and single parents feel unsettled or unsatisfied with the parenting and visiting arrangements. It isn’t until...
Deciding to end a relationship or a marriage is a life changing decision and the first step towards moving forward begins with a long and detailed conversation with your partner...
Divorce and separation changes the dynamics for a family. Often the parents are so wrapped up in their own emotional turmoil that the children are sometimes the forgotten victims. Here are some...
It is alarming to know that domestic violence is an ongoing issue around the country. In fact, one in three Australian women have experienced physical violence and one in four Australian women have experienced emotional abuse by a current or former partner . Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate ...
Divorce Answered reflects upon the ‘how soon is too soon to move on after divorce’ question and offers some self-reflection considerations before taking the leap. “When is it the right time to move on?” is one of the biggest questions faced by...
Divorcing is difficult. Friends and family want to support you. Just like in times of loss and grief, separation is equally difficult and finding the right words can be hard. As a support person, the top...
At the end of a relationship, often one spouse copes better with the change than the other. One of the spouse may feel a sense of relief, optimism and elation compared to the other who is lost, confused and filled with remorse or regret. Grief is also ...
Separation can leave you feeling two extremes - One that weighs heavily upon you while experiencing the opposite emotion at the same time. Separation is a process highlighted with emotional challenges and growth concurrently occurring. On any given day...
Divorcing can be a time of awakening and enlightenment while filled with challenges and tribulations. However, once you have made your way through the process and once ...
Children go through a “divorce” too. The world that they knew as a “family” becomes very different. The relationship with both parents changes and sometimes it involves moving homes. Sometimes, the separation can have a positive impact on the children, especially removing them from situations of neglect, high tensions and abuse. Other times, the children …
Before running out and proclaiming that you want a divorce, have you done everything that you can possibly do to salvage it? If the answer is yes, then I recommend you being as amicable and as kind as possible through the process. Start by imagining how you want your relationship to be in the future …
Making the decision to end a marriage is a very big decision. Many people took vows to live together through poverty and poor health for the rest of their lives. Leaving the marriage leaves them feeling conflicted. Ending the marriage leaves some people feeling relieved and elated, others numb or guilty. In my opinion, there …
Domestic violence is often ignored by the victim and “swept under the rug”. Unfortunately, domestic violence only gets worse and doesn’t go away on its own. Unhealthy relationships often start with love, friendship, trust and loyalty. During the relationship, one of the couple (“the Bully”) takes the power, becomes possessive and demands control with an …
Rebuilding features 19 steps that people go through after breaking up. Fisher describes each stage from the point of view of the “dumpee” and “dumper” and further explains what the children of the break up may be experiencing during this time too. Each chapter is relatively short and features a brief questionnaire at the end …
When you get divorced you learn who your true friends are. Some are super supportive and call regularly to check on your wellbeing. Others run away. Friends, regardless of the reason, move on. However, separation tends to make it blatantly and more painfully obvious. Generally, coupled friends close to you and your partner often feel …
Storms Can’t Hurt The Sky, A Buddhist Path Through Divorce is not a book telling you how to divorce and what to do. It is a book recounts the emotional journey and how Gabriel Cohen managed his anger using Buddhist teachings. By educating the reader how Buddhist teachings help you to choose how you react …
Start a gratitude journal. Learn to be mindful of the little things. Celebrate the small wins for you, your friends and family without jealousy, Get a hobby, find your passion or study. Your friends will tire of hearing all about your divorce and children. Finding a new activity, will help make you personally fulfilled and...