6 reasons why a fast divorce is a good divorce

Debt. No one likes having it. Debt doesn’t disappear. Owing someone or an organisation money can weigh heavily upon you and your budget ...


Divorce effects employee productivity by over 50%: The effects of divorce on the workplace

Knowing if an employee was expecting to divorce and scheduling it with work deadlines, staffing levels and budgeting for it would be ideal for a business. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen and the effects a ...


Debt and Divorce: what debt means for you and how to handle it

Debt. No one likes having it. Debt doesn’t disappear. Owing someone or an organisation money can weigh heavily upon you and your budget ...


Financial Settlement and Debt: read this first

Change. You are forever doing it. You are always expecting it. The reality is that only we can do it. When people couple up, there may be something that they want to tweak about their new interest ...