The perfect Valentine is closer than you think and you don’t have to go anywhere to celebrate them.
How to co-parent during the Corona Virus while respecting social distancing regulations
A new way of celebrating Valentine’s Day [Personal perspective]
If you could have some guidance around a better process to introducing your new partner to your child would you accept the direction? Read on if ...
Every person’s separation journey is unique to them. Everyone takes a different amount of time to grieve the loss of their relationship and the future that will no longer be as they envisaged. Recovering ...
Marriage requires work and lots of it. Even the best of marriages that look good and happy experience times of challenge and difficulty. A great marriage or relationship requires continuous and conscious effort. Sometimes ...
Throughout the divorce process, it is likely that you will meet someone rather special. You may have been looking for someone or that special someone may have caught your attention by surprise. Very often ...
I have always felt that the spirit of Christmas is magnified with children. Sometimes I feel that there is nothing worse than being a single parent without your kids at Christmas. However, this is only a perception ...
I have always felt that the spirit of Christmas is magnified with children. Sometimes I feel that there is nothing worse than being a single parent without your kids at Christmas. However, this is only a perception ...
When a relationship ends, it can be devastating and a time of uncertainty. This is further challenging if your family don’t understand what you are going through and either ...
When you get the hunch that your partner may be cheating on you, it is a feeling that doesn’t go away until you have concrete evidence that it is either ...
I thought my wedding ring and engagement rings were beautiful with a thought-filled setting. I gave it back to my ex-husband on two occasions. One time was during our engagement when ...
My children for the past six years have celebrated ‘Grandfather’s Day’ or ‘Uncle’s Day’ on the first Sunday in September… that was until last year. I was presented with the conundrum ...
Fatherhood is an incredibly special journey for many men. Often it is a pivotal point in their lives where men step-up and choose to be responsible for a dependent little person that is relying on their ...
Australian statistics show that the vast majority of children live in the primary care of their mother. As a mother navigating separation, financial restraints may …
Some children live with their father, other children only get to spend time with them. With a generalised view, many fathers become the spend-time with parent (or non primary parent). The changes …
Breaking up is a hard time for all people involved, especially when it comes as a surprise, after a long marriage or when children are involved. Your emotions can become overwhelming and, at times, crippling. You might not feel like …
Valentine’s Day can be a time of great elation, joy and excitement, especially when you have someone to share it with. For others, Valentine’s Day is a reminder that …
It is alarming to know that domestic violence is an ongoing issue around the country. In fact, one in three Australian women have experienced physical violence and one in four Australian women have experienced emotional abuse by a current or former partner . Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate ...
At the end of a relationship, often one spouse copes better with the change than the other. One of the spouse may feel a sense of relief, optimism and elation compared to the other who is lost, confused and filled with remorse or regret. Grief is also ...