Change. You are forever doing it. You are always expecting it. The reality is that only we can do it. When people couple up, there may be something that they want to tweak about their new interest ...
As we journey through break-up, separation and divorce, there is so much that we feel we are missing out on. Often life feels unfair, challenging and complicated. It becomes so easy to get swallowed up in the ...
I have always felt that the spirit of Christmas is magnified with children. Sometimes I feel that there is nothing worse than being a single parent without your kids at Christmas. However, this is only a perception ...
I have always felt that the spirit of Christmas is magnified with children. Sometimes I feel that there is nothing worse than being a single parent without your kids at Christmas. However, this is only a perception ...
When a relationship ends, it can be devastating and a time of uncertainty. This is further challenging if your family don’t understand what you are going through and either ...
When a relationship ends, it can be devastating and a time of uncertainty. This is further challenging if your family don’t understand what you are going through and either ...
In conversation with Family Lawyer, Ms Turner, talks about the importance of taking care of your mental health when going through separation or divorce. She shares her top five tips ...
When you get the hunch that your partner may be cheating on you, it is a feeling that doesn’t go away until you have concrete evidence that it is either ...
I thought my wedding ring and engagement rings were beautiful with a thought-filled setting. I gave it back to my ex-husband on two occasions. One time was during our engagement when ...
My children for the past six years have celebrated ‘Grandfather’s Day’ or ‘Uncle’s Day’ on the first Sunday in September… that was until last year. I was presented with the conundrum ...