Tips for a successful Father's Day

Fatherhood is an incredibly special journey for many men. Often it is a pivotal point in their lives where men step-up and choose to be responsible for a dependent little person that is relying on their ...


Minimising anxiety and helping children transition between two homes

Sending children from one home to another and transitioning between parents can be difficult at times for the parents as it is for the children. As such, we have to appreciate that every person parents their child differently – no two ...


Considering a trial separation?

What is a trial separation? A trial separation is an agreed time when a couple in a marriage or significant relationship are unsure whether they want to continue to be with each other or set each other free. It is ...


The new financial year marks a scheduled review of your Parenting Plan

When a relationship or marriage ends, people more often struggle with their identity. For many years or decades, you were comfortable as being referred to or known as someone’s wife/husband, someone’s son/daughter or someone’s mother/father. This changes in ...


Reclaiming your identity after break-up

When a relationship or marriage ends, people more often struggle with their identity. For many years or decades, you were comfortable as being referred to or known as someone’s wife/husband, someone’s son/daughter or someone’s mother/father. This changes in ...


Expert advice on conveyancing without the emotions in separation

When I met with Ms Yolanda Regueira from Cling Long Woodbridge Lawyers, I learned so much about the psyche when selling and buying a property, particularly when it is a part of a divorce settlement ...


When your spouse's adult children give you the cold shoulder...

A colleague enquired about tips to ‘smooth the waters’ when partnering with someone who has adult children that are a little ‘cool’ towards you. If this sounds like you, your spouse will appreciate your efforts tos ...


How To Change Your Child's Name

For some people at the end of a bad marriage or long-term relationship it is their wish to change their name or their child wishes to change their name. Divorce's founder knows first-hand the desire, challenges and how to change a child’s name. Rachael was and still is ...


Your options for the money saved on legal fees by being proactive

Do you have a monthly budget for legal fees? Do you know how many hours this offers you with your lawyer each month? Separating can be an expensive time and learning to be more conservative with your finances ....


Read this before deciding to cohabit as a divorced parent

It is more financially viable to have another adult in the home as you raise your children or as the children spend time with you. However, there are a number of items that need to be considered when you do plan for ....