Compassion and insights to the single parent

Would you choose to make your life that little bit harder? If you had a choice, would you throw away work/life balance for work/domestic pressures? ...


The benefits of Single Parenting

Single parenting – it can be tireless, thankless and exhausting. People often complain about how hard single parenting can be. There is always a silver lining ...


The 10 best communication hacks

The way that you communicate with your ex-spouse can help or hinder your divorce process. More often than not, if you can be civil, amicable, respectful and ...


Helping your child to have a voice in divorce: what you can do and what the courts can offer

A long-standing debate around changing your name has plagued many women for many decades. Often a woman is expected change her when she marries, a child is often expected to take on ...


International Women's Day: Embracing Imperfection

Let's celebrate how perfectly imperfect we are, how we can move past our need to be perfect by embracing our limitations and teach our children that it is ok not to be perfect ...


Should you have the same or different lastname to your children after separation?

A long-standing debate around changing your name has plagued many women for many decades. Often a woman is expected change her when she marries, a child is often expected to take on ...


A solution for the single parent without a love interest this Valentine's Day

14 February is better known as Valentine’s Day. Traditionally, it is a day when cards and flowers are sent to a person one is attracted to or involved with. It is also a day that some people feel lonely, ...


I spent much less on my divorce than i thought: Here is how i did it

For many people, their pet is more than just a pet, particularly if it is the ‘child’ of the union and the centre of an emotional brawl. Disappointingly, the way that the Family Court and Family Law views ...


Pets and Divorce: What happens to our furry friends when the relationship ends?

For many people, their pet is more than just a pet, particularly if it is the ‘child’ of the union and the centre of an emotional brawl. Disappointingly, the way that the Family Court and Family Law views ...


Financial Settlement and Debt: read this first

Change. You are forever doing it. You are always expecting it. The reality is that only we can do it. When people couple up, there may be something that they want to tweak about their new interest ...