Children go through a “divorce” too. The world that they knew as a “family” becomes very different. The relationship with both parents changes and sometimes it involves moving homes. Sometimes, the separation can have a positive impact on the children, especially removing them from situations of neglect, high tensions and abuse. Other times, the children …
Taking the time to consider what parenting plan or order you believe is appropriate for your family is helpful for a number of reasons – most importantly, because structure is essential for you to move on with life and for your children. When considering your parenting orders, three main rules must be applied; Be child-minded…
Rule number 1, Do not press send in anger. No matter how angry or frustrated you are by a comment, call, message or email from your ex-partner, do not retaliate. Do not enter into the depths of hate and payback. Be the bigger person and refrain from engaging further into a degrading situation. If you need …
In 2006, the Australian Government regulated an assumption that any two people that have a child automatically assume “Equal Shared Parenting Responsibility” (ESPR). This means that regardless of whether you and the other parent had a child from a one-night-stand or in a defacto/married relationship and regardless of whether you are now together, apart, separated…
“Possession is 9/10 of the law.” This common saying is largely true when it comes to property and divorce. First and foremost, do not succumb to pressures from your ex-partner to sell your home. It is really important that you consider the items below and consult your lawyer before putting your house on the market,…
Below are five easy and simple ways to keep your legal fees to a manageable standard Be self-represented – you become the recipient of all communications and pay for advice of a lawyer as needed. Representing yourself in court will save a lot of money in time “standing around” waiting for a mention. You might…
This is a beautifully written story about a little child whose parents are divorced. As the child moves between each house, so does her dog, Fred. Fred is the constant companion and confidant. What is particularly interesting about this story is that the dog presents the challenge for the parents, the child asserts her authority …
Before running out and proclaiming that you want a divorce, have you done everything that you can possibly do to salvage it? If the answer is yes, then I recommend you being as amicable and as kind as possible through the process. Start by imagining how you want your relationship to be in the future …
Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start and what to look for in the quest to find your lawyer. Below are a few ideas to help you along this path. In your quest to find a good lawyer; Ask friends and family for a referral for a family lawyer that they have…
Making the decision to end a marriage is a very big decision. Many people took vows to live together through poverty and poor health for the rest of their lives. Leaving the marriage leaves them feeling conflicted. Ending the marriage leaves some people feeling relieved and elated, others numb or guilty. In my opinion, there …