Failing to follow the recommendations of any professional throughout the divorce process could have undesired consequences. Depending on your court case, your lawyer, appointed judge and other professionals, you may not like the outcomes that are either...
Many Baby Boomers (people born post World War II, between 1946 and 1964) often recouple when in a financially sound situation. They couple for many reasons, primarily for companionship. Rachael Scharrer, founder of online resource has exposed the lesser known truths about ...
All too often we hear couples in long term relationships say that “marriage is only a piece of paper” or “we didn’t get married because we don’t want to get divorced.” Unfortunately, these couples don’t realise that they are actually part...
At the end of a relationship, often one spouse copes better with the change than the other. One of the spouse may feel a sense of relief, optimism and elation compared to the other who is lost, confused and filled with remorse or regret. Grief is also ...
It is stressful if you are on a budget and wondering how you will meet the costs of a lawyer. Retaining a family lawyer from start to finish may mean an overwhelming invoice at the end. Similarly, not hiring a lawyer could be a mistake...
Separation can leave you feeling two extremes - One that weighs heavily upon you while experiencing the opposite emotion at the same time. Separation is a process highlighted with emotional challenges and growth concurrently occurring. On any given day...
Divorcing can be a time of awakening and enlightenment while filled with challenges and tribulations. However, once you have made your way through the process and once ...
The founder of wants to raise awareness of the male victims of domestic violence and offer advice for leaving a relationship involving domestic violence. Domestic Violence Awareness Month is in May and is to raise awareness of Domestic Violence in all relationships. Often it is skewed towards the female victims and many men don’t realise that ...
Too often parents complain that their ex-spouse is using the children as ‘weapons’ in divorce. While a parent may think nothing of their choices or actions, the long-term ramifications of this can have life-long detrimental aftershocks for the child, the innocent party of divorce. There are too many ways in which parents ...
Divorcing isn’t easy and there is a lot of sweat and tears wasted before you can experience the ‘silver lIf you asked me "should I represent myself in court" a couple of years ago, my answer would have been emphatically “YES!”. However, my answer today is “NO!” Some Judges are ...