What To Do Now That You Are Separated

While divorce is devastating, it can be equally as liberating. Whether you made the decision or the decision to end the union was made for you, it is still a huge change. For many people, they...


Deciding Not To Be A Divorce Victim

What marriage is and what it looks like is ever changing. The traditional 1950s stay at home mother with working husband is antiquated. Today, there are traditional, blended and single-parent families, de facto...


Navigating Father's Day for Children of Divorce and their Dad

Many fathers wish that they could have more time each day, week or month with their children and this is often highlighted on Father’s Day. According to the ABS, almost one in 5 families are...


Father's Day Solutions For Children of Single and Solo Mums

Not every child is fortunate to have their dad active and involved in their daily lives. There are many who have limited to no contact. The reasons for...


Single Parents Guide to Navigating Special Occasions

As special occasions arise throughout the year, many divorced and single parents feel unsettled or unsatisfied with the parenting and visiting arrangements. It isn’t until...


Shaking the Shackles of Marriage. How to have the 'I want a Separation' conversation

Deciding to end a relationship or a marriage is a life changing decision and the first step towards moving forward begins with a long and detailed conversation with your partner...


12 Simple Ways to Help Children Through Divorce

Divorce and separation changes the dynamics for a family. Often the parents are so wrapped up in their own emotional turmoil that the children are sometimes the forgotten victims. Here are some...


5 Tips for Leaving An Abusive Relationship

It is alarming to know that domestic violence is an ongoing issue around the country. In fact, one in three Australian women have experienced physical violence and one in four Australian women have experienced emotional abuse by a current or former partner . Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate ...


How soon is too soon to move on after divorce?

Divorce Answered reflects upon the ‘how soon is too soon to move on after divorce’ question and offers some self-reflection considerations before taking the leap. “When is it the right time to move on?” is one of the biggest questions faced by...


6 Phrases Not To Say To Your Divorcing Friend

Divorcing is difficult. Friends and family want to support you. Just like in times of loss and grief, separation is equally difficult and finding the right words can be hard. As a support person, the top...