R U Ok? Day is today, September 14, 2017, which means that more than ever before, we need to check in with our friends, family, neighbours and particularly the growing number of divorcees.
Rachael Scharrer, divorce expert and founder of online resource DivorceAnswered.com.au asks you to please pay particular attention to your friends starting or in the thick of their divorce. There are often unexpected turns of events, challenges and relentless pressures in separation. Feelings of anxiety, stress and frustration are rife. Sometimes, just a cup of tea and a vent or download can make someone feel so much better.
Separation is often a time of heightened emotions. Some days may feel great and others a great challenge. When you don’t know where to go for help or information, and when you can’t afford to get the advice or support you need, it can become an incredibly overwhelming time.
As adults, we are better able to rationalise our feelings and emotions or google help and support. This year, I ask you to take a moment and also ask the innocent victims of divorce “R U OK?” Listen without leading the conversation and avoid interruptions; offer unconditional love and support; let them know that you can be a trusted adult to talk to; hold the child’s hand or give them a gentle squeeze to let them know that you are there. Children pick up on the under-currents of emotions and sense the subtle energies from the people around them despite the happy game-face that their parents put on. No matter how hard parents try to shield the children from divorce issues, a child’s sixth sense is so much stronger. They equally need the support from caring adults around them.
Let’s enquire with those we know and meet about the general feelings of wellness, wellbeing and ability to cope with life. We are encouraged to be genuine as we ask “R U Ok?” and offer support and understanding when we ask about their physical, mental and emotional welfare.
Today, remember the children of divorce, the ex-pats, isolated or relocated divorcees as well as those with limited to no support and, with patience and interest, ask them “R U Ok?”