Expert lawyer shares tips for expats separating overseas and in Australia

Many families decide to move abroad and become expatriates for an amount of time, whether it is for one parent’s career, returning to a country of origin with ...


What is a Conciliation Conference?

No one starts a relationship or marriage with the expectation of ending in divorce. Sometimes we can’t help the path that our marriage takes and can only ...


Successfully navigating Divorce and trusting in the process [personal perspective]

No one starts a relationship or marriage with the expectation of ending in divorce. Sometimes we can’t help the path that our marriage takes and can only ...


Is it possible to be a CEO and a working parent?

Working a high management as a Chief Officer, Chairperson or taking a leadership/board member role can be a rewarding challenge. For many people, it becomes their life. However, how do you effectively juggle leadership and parenting? Worse still, ...


Breaking up is your opportunity to shine

Breaking up is a hard time for all people involved, especially when it comes as a surprise, after a long marriage or when children are involved. Your emotions can become overwhelming and, at times, crippling. You might not feel like …


Valentine's Day 2018. Celebrating the most important person in your life

Valentine’s Day can be a time of great elation, joy and excitement, especially when you have someone to share it with. For others, Valentine’s Day is a reminder that …


At which court to lodge

Many economists are predicting that the economic ‘bubble’ will burst (if not, saying that it has already burst) – What does this mean for relationships? When the economy experiences a downturn, it doesn’t only hurt our hip-pocket, it also affects ...


Preparing for an economic downturn and relationship stress

Many economists are predicting that the economic ‘bubble’ will burst (if not, saying that it has already burst) – What does this mean for relationships? When the economy experiences a downturn, it doesn’t only hurt our hip-pocket, it also affects ...


How to Help Your Adult Child Through Their Divorce

According to American studies and courts, January is considered “divorce month”. The idea behind divorce month is that people have had Christmas with their family, only just tolerated the time ...


Divorce Month and Divorce Month Dumpers

According to American studies and courts, January is considered “divorce month”. The idea behind divorce month is that people have had Christmas with their family, only just tolerated the time ...